INGREDIENTS Tomato 600 gm Oniom 100 gm Carrot 150 gm Celery 25 gm Gartic 25 gm Leeks 25 gm Tomato Puree 150 ml Salt 5 gm White Pepper Powder 5 gm Parsley 5 gm Aubergine 100 gm Green Zucchini 100 gm Yellow Zucchini 100 gm Olive Oil 150 ml PROCEDURE 1 . Mise en place for concasse: Blanch, deskin and deseed tomatoes. Deskin and finely chop garlic. Scarp and finely chop carrots. Finely chop celery and leeks. Peel and fine chop onion. 2. Heat oil in pan and add bay leaf and pepper corn. Saute garlic, onion, celery and leeks. Add carrots sweat it for a while. Add blanched tomatoes and cook it with herbs. 3. Simmer the sauce with tomato puree. A part of sauce can be pureed. 4. Thinly slice aubergine, zucchini and tomatoes of same size. 5. Marinate them with salt, pepper, herb and oil. Saute them. 6. In an earthenware, spread tomato concasse at base, arrange slices of sautéed vegetables in the earthenware...